Pre-Workout Thorne Research

Thorne Research stands at the cutting edge of personalized health and wellness. This commitment revolves around the idea that individualized solutions pave the way for a healthier life at every age. Read More >

2 Products



About Thorne Research

The brand's spectrum of offerings spans from health tests to educational tools and specialized products, each tailored to unique health goals.

Every Thorne product symbolizes quality and dedication. Rigorous checks ensure the highest standards, while collaborations with institutions like Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins highlight the brand's excellence.

Thorne's 100% Clean Policy is a testament to its transparency, guaranteeing supplements without harmful ingredients. The "No" List further empowers users in their health choices.

Around the world, top athletes and teams trust Thorne for their performance needs. The brand's ties with numerous professional sports entities and its NSF Certified facility producing a range of certified products underscore its prominence in sports wellness.

At its core, Thorne Research embodies the pursuit of a brighter, healthier future for all.

Thorne Research Highlighted Products

Discover Thorne Research's premium supplements: unparalleled quality in every capsule, supporting everything from foundational health to detoxification:

Thorne Research Basic B-Complex: Prioritize your health with Thorne Research's Basic B-Complex. This supplement combines eight critical B vitamins, ensuring your body's daily needs are met. Given the water-soluble nature of B vitamins, regular intake is essential. This blend is especially beneficial for those with dietary restrictions or absorbency challenges. Its high bioavailability and purity—free from common additives—make it a prime choice for those focused on wellness.

Thorne Research D-5000: In today's indoor-centric world, many miss out on the health benefits of vitamin D. Thorne Research's D-5000 bridges this gap, offering a potent 5000 IU of pure vitamin D3 per capsule, promoting bone health, immune function, and cellular growth. With changing lifestyles and limited sun exposure, vitamin D deficiency is on the rise, especially among the elderly and those in colder climates. D-5000 stands out with its purity, free from common additives and fillers, ensuring optimal bioavailability. For a trusted vitamin D boost, choose D-5000 by Thorne Research.

Thorne Research: NAC (N-Acetylcysteine): A powerful amino acid offering a trifecta of benefits: liver detoxification, respiratory support, and potent antioxidant properties. Acting as a precursor to glutathione, NAC elevates this vital antioxidant's levels, crucial for liver and kidney protection. Its ability to break down mucus ensures improved respiratory function, while its sulfur content further bolsters antioxidant action. Proven to positively impact crucial immune cells and thin secretions for pulmonary health, NAC stands out as a comprehensive supplement for overall well-being.

The History of Thorne Research

Thorne Research, established in 1984 in Seattle, Washington, quickly became a beacon in health and wellness. By 1990, Sandpoint, Idaho, became its new home, followed by a move in 2018 to a vast manufacturing facility in South Carolina. Key milestones include a merger with Diversified Natural Products in 2010, with Paul Jacobson ascending as CEO, and a pivotal shift in 2016 from a practitioner-centric approach to a direct-to-consumer model, later delving into the DIY home health testing market in 2018.

Education and collaboration have always been central. Their alliance with Mayo Clinic provides clinical wellness research and insights. The brand's commitment to sports is further emphasized by exclusive partnerships with 11 U.S. Olympic National Teams, affirming Thorne's stature as a leading health and wellness provider.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who owns Thorne Research?

Thorne Research recently became the new parent company of Onegevity.

Are Thorne Research supplements FDA-approved?

While the FDA does not "approve" dietary supplements in the same way they approve drugs, Thorne Research operates under the guidelines set by the FDA for dietary supplement manufacturers. Thorne ensures that its products adhere to these regulations.

How are Thorne Research products quality tested?

Every Thorne product is made with quality ingredients that are screened for contaminants. Thorne's commitment to clean supplements means they do not contain harmful or unnecessary ingredients. Their "No List" guides them in choosing which ingredients to source and how to formulate products.

Are there any side effects of Thorne supplements?

Minor adverse health effects are not uncommon with nutritional supplements, but Thorne takes adverse reactions seriously. They have a process to monitor adverse events for every product. Thorne utilizes an independent third-party company, SafetyCall International, to maintain objective analysis and follow-up with customers regarding adverse events.

Do Thorne Research products contain allergens?

Thorne provides a list of ingredients they never use, which can help identify potential allergens.

Is there a return policy for Thorne products?

This specific detail was not found in the provided extracts. You may need to refer to Thorne Research's official website or customer service for precise information on their return policy.

Do Thorne products require a prescription?

Most Thorne products likely do not require a prescription. However, always consult with a healthcare practitioner before starting any supplement.

Are Thorne Research supplements vegetarian or vegan?

Thorne offers Vegan Certified Products. Products with Thorne's "Vegan verified" classification have been made with the purest possible ingredients, and the sources have been thoroughly vetted to verify the vegan classification.